Yesterday, we released BenGribaudoLLC.IEnumerableHelpers.DataReaderAdapter as a NuGet package!
What does it to?
Adapts IEnumerable<T> to the IDataReader interface. Enables enumerable sequences to be used where a data reader is expected.
Great for loading data from a List<T>, LINQ expression or CSV parser into a database using SqlBulkCopy! Streams data to SqlBulkCopy, bypassing the need to first materialize the entire sequence in memory and load it into a DataTable.
var data = from p in DataContext.People where o.Age >= 18 select new { p.FirstName, p.LastName, p.Age}; using (var bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(connection)) { bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "Adults"; bulkCopy.WriteToServer(data.AsDataReader()); }
How does it work?
Each item in the enumerable becomes a record returned by the data reader.
Used when the enumerable contains IEnumerable<T>s. The items in the inner enumerable become the data record’s fields. Optionally, field names may be provided.
var data = new[] { new[] { "Joe", "Smith" }, new[] { "Bob", "Brown" } }; var reader = data.AsDataReader(); //var reader = data.AsDataReader(fieldNames: new[] { "FirstName", "LastName" }); while (reader.Read()) { Console.WriteLine($"{reader.GetValue(0) } {reader.GetValue(1)}"); //Console.WriteLine($"{reader["FirstName"] } {reader["LastName"]}"); } // Outputs: // Joe Smith // Bob Brown
Used when the enumerable contains objects whose public readable instance properties should become the fields returned by the data reader.
var data = new[] { new Item { ItemNumber = 1, Name = "Widget", Price = 10.00m }, new Item { ItemNumber = 2, Name = "Gadget", Price = 4.99m }, }; var reader = data.AsDataReaderOfObjects(); while (reader.Read()) { var priceForTwo = reader.GetDecimal(reader.GetOrdinal("Price")) * 2; Console.WriteLine($"Item # {reader["ItemNumber"]} - {priceForTwo:C2}"); } // Outputs: // Item 1 - $20.00 // Item 2 - $9.98
- .Net Standard 1.6’s SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer() does not work with IDataReader, limiting this package’s usefulness on that platform. .Net Standard 2.0 should resolve this issue as it will add a SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer overload that accepts IDataReader.
- This package’s data reader implementation does not support IDataReader.GetSchemaTable().