Tag Archives: Culture/Locale

The Flair of a Culture (or Two)

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Numbers and dates are formatted differently in different parts of the world. How are these cultural differences handled in the realm of Power Query? Turns out, arguably, there can be not just one—but two—sets of rules in play.

In the M language, numbers and date/time-based values are natively stored in culture-agnostic formats. It doesn’t matter what part of the world you’re in or how it formats values, when #date(2023, 1, 23) is evaluated, Power Query understands that the referenced year is 2023, the month is 1 and the day is the 23rd—and it maintains this understanding throughout the value’s lifetime. Similar holds true with the other date/time types, as well as with numbers.

On the other hand, when converting values of these types to or from text, culture does come into play—but which culture?

Number.ToText(123456.78, "n")
// outputs:
// 123,456.78 (if the culture is en-US)
// 123.456,78 (if the culture is es-ES)
// 123 456,78 (if the culture is se-SE)
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