Tag Archives: Streaming

Lazy, Streamed, Immutable: Try Building a Table

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Lazy evaluation, streaming and immutability are key Power Query concepts which must be understood to truly grasp how Power Query “thinks.” Want to test your understanding in these foundational areas—and try to grow it—by tackling an assignment?!

Your Task

Code up a single row table containing the following columns:

  • A column of hard-coded data.
  • A couple columns whose data is fetched from an API.
  • A couple columns whose data is fetched from another API.
Example of expected table


  • Neither API is called if the table’s rows are simply counted.
  • Only the first API is called if the columns containing data from the second API are removed from the table, and vice versa.
  • Each API is called at most once, even when multiple columns that contain data from that API are output.


  • Using any standard library table functions to build the table (i.e. no “Table.*” functions may be used).
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