SQL Tip: Adjusting Alphabetization

Alphabetical sorting is simple: A comes after B, next comes C, then D and so on all the way to Z…right?!

If only it were so easy! Consider the character Á—should it be sorted before A, after A or just like it was A (ignoring the accent)? The answer depends on language: Hungarian’s Á comes after A; in Spanish, the accent should be ignored. In many languages, Y comes between X and Z; however, Lithuanian orders Y before J. French has an interesting twist: sometimes strings are sorted by first comparing their letters from left to right then by comparing diacritics from right to left. Some languages even treat certain multi-character combinations as single letters, like CD in Welsh. If this doesn’t sound complex enough, alphabetization rules can change: for example, in 1994, the Congress of the Association of Spanish Language Academies decreed that Spanish’s CH would no longer be considered a single, muilt-character letter combination!

The set of rules defining how Microsoft SQL Server should sort and compare character strings is known as a collation. Collation also determines the code page used for non-Unicode strings. Each SQL Server instance is configured to use a specific collation. This setting can be overridden at the database, table/view and individual column levels. Queries can mandate use of a particular collation via T-SQL’s COLLATE clause.

By changing the collation, you can fine-tune string comparison rules and adjust alphabetization.



Suppose we have a list of words. Ordering them with the Latin1_General_CI_AI collation puts them in reasonable alphabetical order from the perspective of a native English speaker.Latin1

FROM Words
ORDER BY Word COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI
--ORDER BY Word COLLATE Modern_Spanish_CI_AI
--ORDER BY Word COLLATE Traditional_Spanish_CI_AI
--ORDER BY Word COLLATE Lithuanian_CI_AI

Latin1_General_CI_AI (left); Modern_Spanish_CI_AI (right)

Switch to Modern_Spanish_CI_AI and the order of ñame and nervous reverses. When sorting Spanish text, accents should be ignored; however, ñ is considered distinct letter considered a distinct letter that is sorted after n.


Modern_Spanish_CI_AI (left); Traditional_Spanish_CI_AI (right)

Using Traditional_Spanish_CI_AI reverses circle and Charlie. Traditional Spanish treats CH as a single letter, ordered after C and before D.

Traditional_Spanish_CI_AI (left); Lithuanian_CI_AI (right)

Traditional_Spanish_CI_AI (left); Lithuanian_CI_AI (right)

Change to Lithuanian_CI_AI. Notice that yard comes before jars. (Imagine! Y before J!) The other words are ordered as they were when we started.


Collation also controls case-sensitivity, both of sorting and comparison. We often think that SQL Server is case-insensitive. This behavior is not intrinsic; rather, it’s determined by the collation being used.

Case-Insensitive (_CI)

Case-Insensitive (_CI)

Case-Sensitive (_CS)

Case-Sensitive (_CS)

The filter LIKE ‘C%’ returns Charlie and circle when evaluated with Latin1_General_CI_AI (the _CI indicates case-insensitive) but only Charlie when Latin1_General_CS_AI is used (_CS signifies case-sensitive).

FROM Words
WHERE Word LIKE 'C%' COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI
--WHERE Word LIKE 'C%' COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI


Further Reading: Wikipedia’s Alphabetical order (In particular, the “Language-specific conventions” section gives many examples of how languages differ in their ordering of letters.)

2 thoughts on “SQL Tip: Adjusting Alphabetization

  1. Anand


    I am working for a investment company and we are migrating our database from one environment to another.
    I need to know if there is some way i can compare my data that comes from multiple tables to the target table.
    The source tables are in DB1 and the target table is in DB2
    and i am not allowed to use db links.
    Second constraints is i cannot get any online tools being installed
    Is there a way that i can use some queries .
    excel comparison would not be helpful as the data size is huge.
    Can you help..


    1. Ben Gribaudo Post author

      Hum…looks like some creativity is in order. Comparing the data server-side is probably preferable to downloading all the data locally. A linked database server would be nice but apparently that’s not an option. Are you able to use OPENQUERY? If you can, maybe something like SELECT * FROM localtable EXCEPT SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(...) will help.

      Doing the comparisons by hand client-side in Microsoft Excel certainly isn’t ideal. If you must check things client-side and downloading tools isn’t an option, what about writing a VBA macro in Excel to do the comparison and only output rows where there is a difference?


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